Friday, October 11, 2013

Hi. Yesterday I missed practice because my mom and brother were in Seattle, so I will probably have to make up for it some other time. I would like to thank a girl for commenting on my post, and asking me if my coach was good. This leads into what I would like to blog about today: coaches. Some coaches are ultra-mean, and even if the girls do their routine perfect, they are still mad. My coaches are exactly the opposite of that. I have three main coaches, and they are all super nice. It sometimes seems like they can never  get mad at anything. And us girls can be pretty darn annoying if we want to be.

I will not name any names, but one of my coaches never EVER yells. ever. Another one of my coaches is super funny, and is friendly to everyone. The last coach, the head coach, is also funny and can be hard if she wants to be, but never does it to be mean. She does not expect impossible, she expects us to do our best, always. So we do.

Overall, my coaches are amazing, and I dont know what I would do without them to help me through the synchro season. To all of my synchro sisters, feel free to comment on what your coaches are like. And to everyone else, have a great rest of your day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Schedule for the Season

Hi. I am so sorry I did not post anything for a few days. I have a very busy life, and wish I could have found time for it. But lets start over. Hi! How is everyone? The thing I would like to write about today is the schedule for synchro. We ( meaning me and my fellow swimmers ) have very busy schedules. Synchro starts primly at 4:00 three days of the week, soon to be four. I, as well as some other people on the team, get out of school a bit later, so I cannot make it to synchro usually until 4:15. I always try to make it, but, well, I never do.

This sort of correlates to my last post, where I wrote about the school life of a synchro swimmer. Next Thursday our coaches will let us get out of the pool early so that we may get dressed and go up to the viewing area of the pool, and there they will meet us and our parents to talk about the synchro schedule for this year. This is things like: no synchro days, packing sports clothes for running, etc. Sometimes they talk about things like people's goals for the year, expectations from the coaches, and expectations from the swimmers.

At the start of the season, the coaches also pulled us aside one by one to talk about our personal goals for the season, and how we could achieve them. They also talked to us about if we favored having a small routine ( solo, trio, duet ), and if so, who would we want to swim with ( in the case of the duet and trio ). I personally prefer only the team routine, which is the whole team of 6-8 people swimming to the same music. But that is just my opinion.

In my parting statement, I will give you something to ponder and something to look forward to. My next post will hopefully be on Friday, and I have one question. Why hasn't anyone commented yet? Constructive criticism as well as compliments, or just regular comments are always accepted. Have a nice day!  

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The School Life of a Synchro Swimmer

Hi, again. I'm sorry I did not post on Friday. I had an after-school commitment, and did not get home until late that night. But, this is a good segway into the school life of a hardcore swimmer. For a lot of the girls on my team, it is hard to balance homework and practice so that we get just the right amount of each. This Thursday I stayed home from practice because of all my homework. I had a poster I had to finish, a ten page packet I had to read plus a typed summary of character traits, math homework, and a metric conversions worksheet (converting metric units).

There are times when I consider quitting, but then there is the question: what would I do without synchro? I certainly don't know. I love synchro. It just comes down to a matter of how much you appreciate the sport you do. Three simple words. Swimming is my 'thinking time'. I feel like when I am in the water, I can do something beautiful, whereas in P.E. I am a klutz. That is why I am not taking it this year.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend, even though the rain seems to be coming down in sheets. Once again, to all you synchro girls reading, feel free to comment on things you like/love about being a swimmer. Or just comment 'cause you feel like it. Either way. Once again, have a nice day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Tight should the Suit Fit?

Hello, again. Today's posting is all about suit sizing. I have suit sizing on Wednesday, which is basically trying on different uniform and bathing suit sizes to see which ones fit. This is important because each team has a team swimsuit, with a team logo or saying on the front or back. The uniforms are important because when you are on the pool deck, the judges need to know which team you are on. Also, your coaches need to know that you are where you need to be. And also because you need to look "synchronized".

Everyone needs to have a properly fitting suit because otherwise, how will you be able to swim and move properly? Sometimes people order their bathing suit one size smaller, so that it is not too baggy. I order my bathing suits my regular size or, occasionally, larger, in case I grow or it shrinks in the wash. I find that it is extremely comforting to know that my bathing suit fits, while some people complain that it is too large or too small.

The suit, as we call it, also needs to be flexible, so that you can swim and move yourself with ease. How else will we be able to do a split underwater? Or move our arms gracefully? And if the swimsuit is too baggy, it will pull you underwater, and it will be harder to keep up. Now we wouldn't want that, would we?

And to all my synchro sisters out there, please feel free to comment on how your season is going so far.  My next blog will be on Friday, in case you were wondering.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

A New Season

Hello everyone. Now that school has started, so have school sports. This is a blog about about a sport that is not-so-familiar with some of you readers. The sport is synchronized swimming. Fun to watch, hard to swim. My team and I have come back for another season, and are now practicing for the first meet of the season. I am so happy to be swimming with such amazing people. Our old coach did not come back this year, and in her absence we had to quickly find a person to fill the position. The person we did find is well suited to the position, and is doing a marvelous job thus far. I am so glad the season has started again so that I can see all my friends and can catch up on all of the summer stories. Let the games begin!