Saturday, September 28, 2013

The School Life of a Synchro Swimmer

Hi, again. I'm sorry I did not post on Friday. I had an after-school commitment, and did not get home until late that night. But, this is a good segway into the school life of a hardcore swimmer. For a lot of the girls on my team, it is hard to balance homework and practice so that we get just the right amount of each. This Thursday I stayed home from practice because of all my homework. I had a poster I had to finish, a ten page packet I had to read plus a typed summary of character traits, math homework, and a metric conversions worksheet (converting metric units).

There are times when I consider quitting, but then there is the question: what would I do without synchro? I certainly don't know. I love synchro. It just comes down to a matter of how much you appreciate the sport you do. Three simple words. Swimming is my 'thinking time'. I feel like when I am in the water, I can do something beautiful, whereas in P.E. I am a klutz. That is why I am not taking it this year.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend, even though the rain seems to be coming down in sheets. Once again, to all you synchro girls reading, feel free to comment on things you like/love about being a swimmer. Or just comment 'cause you feel like it. Either way. Once again, have a nice day.

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