Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Tight should the Suit Fit?

Hello, again. Today's posting is all about suit sizing. I have suit sizing on Wednesday, which is basically trying on different uniform and bathing suit sizes to see which ones fit. This is important because each team has a team swimsuit, with a team logo or saying on the front or back. The uniforms are important because when you are on the pool deck, the judges need to know which team you are on. Also, your coaches need to know that you are where you need to be. And also because you need to look "synchronized".

Everyone needs to have a properly fitting suit because otherwise, how will you be able to swim and move properly? Sometimes people order their bathing suit one size smaller, so that it is not too baggy. I order my bathing suits my regular size or, occasionally, larger, in case I grow or it shrinks in the wash. I find that it is extremely comforting to know that my bathing suit fits, while some people complain that it is too large or too small.

The suit, as we call it, also needs to be flexible, so that you can swim and move yourself with ease. How else will we be able to do a split underwater? Or move our arms gracefully? And if the swimsuit is too baggy, it will pull you underwater, and it will be harder to keep up. Now we wouldn't want that, would we?

And to all my synchro sisters out there, please feel free to comment on how your season is going so far.  My next blog will be on Friday, in case you were wondering.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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