Friday, October 11, 2013

Hi. Yesterday I missed practice because my mom and brother were in Seattle, so I will probably have to make up for it some other time. I would like to thank a girl for commenting on my post, and asking me if my coach was good. This leads into what I would like to blog about today: coaches. Some coaches are ultra-mean, and even if the girls do their routine perfect, they are still mad. My coaches are exactly the opposite of that. I have three main coaches, and they are all super nice. It sometimes seems like they can never  get mad at anything. And us girls can be pretty darn annoying if we want to be.

I will not name any names, but one of my coaches never EVER yells. ever. Another one of my coaches is super funny, and is friendly to everyone. The last coach, the head coach, is also funny and can be hard if she wants to be, but never does it to be mean. She does not expect impossible, she expects us to do our best, always. So we do.

Overall, my coaches are amazing, and I dont know what I would do without them to help me through the synchro season. To all of my synchro sisters, feel free to comment on what your coaches are like. And to everyone else, have a great rest of your day.

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